Predicted Solar Data
Solar Data/Propagation
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Online Links and Favorites
Of course I think my Solar Widget(s) are the best, but there are other free sources available. You choose which one you like the best.
- Julian (G4ILO) offers an html panel (WebProp) with SN, flux, Indicies, and band conditions.
- Patrick (N0HR) offers a solar panel (PropagationStats) with flux, Indicies, and warnings.
- Kevin (N3KL) offers two status bars for X-ray and Geomag field.
- Anthony (KA9NWM) at wattsupwiththat offers a World Climate Widget with SN, Flux, and solar image.
- Allard (PE1NWL) at DXrobot - Gouda offers five band condition status bars for VHF Aurora, North American 2m Es, and Europe 2/4/6m Es.
- Ansgar (DG2KBC) at Make More Miles on VHF offers three status graphs for EME, Europe Es and Meteor Scatter.
- Elmer (PH5E) at Rig Reference offers a widget that indicates which current HF bands are open.
- Claudio (IW1QLH) at HRDLOG offers a gadget that indicates current HF activity, solar image, solar flux, & sunspot number.
- Derek (W4DTB) at OCRA offers a gadget that uses the N0NBH xml file to create a text and image gadget similar to what I offer from a php file. You can download the Source and some examples, along with the readme file from the following link.
- Marv (W4ZD) offers a gadget that uses the N0NBH xml file to create an html color coded band conditions chart. Click the following link, and follow the instructions.
HF Propagation Tools and Solar Data are now on multiple pages for faster loading
- Use the buttons at the top and bottom of the page to navigate, or use the following links:
- For Online MOF/LOF HF Propagation Prediction Tool, and conversion tools click here
- For Solar-Terrestrial Data banners and widgets (both web page and devices) click here
- For Understanding/Using Solar-Terrestrial Data, Solar Images, and HF Tutorials click here
- For current Space Weather and HF Propagation Conditions, and MUF Maps click here
- pdf presentation that contains tutorials and information on understanding radio propagation, and how to use all the data contained in the solar panels. You can download from this link
- pdf presentation that contains detailed instructions on adding a banner to your www.qrz.com BIO page. You can download from this link
NOAA SWPC WSA-Enlil Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Solar Wind Prediction Model
- Courtesy of NOAA SWPC.
Still of the latest model run is provided directly below when a CME event is predicted, along with comments from SWPC. A tutorial is provided below that, which
helps in understanding the model output.
- Please visit the NOAA SWPC WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction page for the full functionality of modes, time, speed, and additional information.
- Click link or image to visit the Storm or CME Prediction Model page. Note that SWPC only updates the
CME-based model when there is a potentially earth-directed CME.
- This is a GREAT tool for viewing CME events, and the corresponding solar wind speed and density for use in predicting both Auroral events and HF blackout conditions.
NOAA SWPC WSA-Enlil CME Solar Wind Prediction Model Tutorial
- Here is a tutorial NOAA SWPC WSA-Enlil CME Solar Wind Prediction Model. Clicking in the image will also open the full featured NOAA SWPC webpage.
OVATION Aurora Prediction Model
- Courtesy of NOAA SWPC.
- New Auroral Forecast product is based on the OVATION Prime model which provides a 30-40 minute forecast on the location and probability of auroral displays for both the northern and southern polar regions
- Click link or image to visit the OVATION Aurora page.
Northern Aurora Prediction
Southern Aurora Prediction